So tomorrow night Justin and I are going to a midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show!
Can you believe Justin has never seen it?? (Of course, in his mind, he thinks I'm nuts for having never seen The Matrix.) We will be the losers in the audience with no costumes however because we are slackers this year. :-)
Work is going well for both of us but is very busy. I was told during my first week at Urban Ministry that I would spend the first year having my immune system attacked by every germ known to man. So far that has been true. It doesn't help that in the midst of the germ attack I have been trying to keep training for multiple races. I managed to survive the Kansas City Half Marathon (with the help of an inhaler) a couple of weeks ago while my brother and Uncle Dale kicked my a** and ran the full. This was a drop in the bucket for Dale who actually followed up the KC marathon by running the Niagara Falls marathon the following weekend. Lee, running his 1st marathon, finished with a smile in a little over 4 1/2 hours. And Jackson, the world's cutest child, was there at the finish line with his "Go Daddy Go!" cheer!
I was excited to get to go home and spend some time with everyone. Jackson (and I don't mean to brag) is addictive to say the least. He is changing so much and can say sentences and sing songs and I got to spend so much time with him this past trip. We spent the Friday before the race hanging out at Crown Center and went to the Crayola store and a dinosaur exhibit at Union Station. He didn't quite understand the dinosaur exhibit but did enjoy roaring at the large dinosaur models.
So now we're just in prep mode for the holidays - the one drawback of living away from our families is that we don't get quiet holidays at home so the travel plans are in process! I'm hoping for snow!
Enjoy the pictures!
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