Attractive, yes? You're welcome.
And Stacey is a beautiful BEAST! Today she woke up, ran 5 miles with Sharon (who is our P90X guru as she did the whole 90 days last year) and then came home to round out her 6 day P90X workout with the Kenpo routine.
Now, for those of you who are unfamiliar with me - I'm not a morning guy. That's when the burning ball comes out and everything gets all bright and stuff. Not my time. Makes me angry. BUT! I'm trying VERY hard to change that. So I'm working on a new sleep routine ( told you - lots going on) where I'm in bed by 10 and up by 6 and working out close to that for however long the routine takes. Part of me really likes this. The part that sits at a desk from 8am to 5pm really does not. I mean granted, I don't just sit there, luckily - I'm usually running around between the datacenter and wherever else, but man.. if I get some downtime? It's automatic sleepyface. Gah. ALSO - I'm working on the "Couch to 5K" running program I think I have mentioned before on top of it all. I'm more on the couch side at this moment but I'll get there.
I KNOW, RIGHT? We are really working it! I will say that we are VERY excited about our upcoming beach trip to hang out with Stace's family and then I have my Beartooth trip in July which has me WAY jazzed. Hopefully the P90X regimen plus the running routine will help my system get ready for the 60 miles at 12,000ft. Yeah, you read that right. A week at 11-12,000 feet. Just saying. Get ready for an epic tale.
I guess you can call the P90X + C25k my "Couch to 12Kft" routine...
Now where did I put my recovery drink??
Be well.
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